Thanks to our supporters, partners, advocates, and friends for making our first virtual gala a huge success! We celebrated HDFC co-ops, raised money to continue our programs and services, and honored the 2021 Community Through Cooperation awardees. We also made a very special announcement about our work: we’re launching the Co-op Improvement Program to reach the 283 distressed HDFC co-ops around New York City that are at risk for foreclosure.
It’s not too late to support our work! Your donation gives New Yorkers access to homeownership, safety from eviction, and a place to age in place with dignity. Click here to make a donation.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
The 2021 Community Through Cooperation Award Goes To:
UHAB and NCB are thrilled to present the Community Through Cooperation Award to organizations that have sustained co-ops
and supported New Yorkers throughout the pandemic.
NAHC (The National Association of
Housing Cooperatives)
for their tireless advocacy to help housing co-ops secure PPP eligibility and for helping to plant and nurture new affordable housing co-ops across the nation.
Brooklyn Movement Center &
the Central Brooklyn Food Co-op
for their mutual aid work delivering groceries to Central Brooklyn’s communities in need alongside Brooklyn Packers.
CEANYC (Cooperative Economics Alliance of New York City)
for their consistent advocacy for big and small co-ops across the city, from providing micro grants to HDFCs and other cooperatives to connecting families to food resources.