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Monday, 9/23

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Intro to Committees

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

Join us to discuss how committees can be formed, “staffed” and run to successfully help the co-op and Board. This training will be conducted in person at 789 Macdonough…


Tuesday, 9/24

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Stock Transfers & “Succession” in HDFCs


Is there “succession” in an HDFC co-op? Can I transfer my shares? How much power does the Board have when a shareholder would like to add a name to…


Wednesday, 9/25

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Wills, Shares & Estates

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

If a shareholder passes away without a will, the HDFC and the Estate of the deceased must sort things out in court. There is no automatic inheritance of ownership…


Thursday, 9/26

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Complying with Local Law 97: LL97 Clinic

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

Join us to learn more about how to comply with Local Law 97! Bring your questions for a consultation with a member of UHAB’s Climate & Resiliency team. Drop…


Monday, 9/30

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Surrogate’s Court, Administrators & Executors

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

Are you confused about wills and estates? What happens to an apartment after a neighbor dies? Join us to discuss what happens in NY if a shareholder dies with…


Tuesday, 10/1

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Solar 101 Office Hours


UHAB and Solar One will be hosting office hours to answer your questions about all things solar. Whether you’re already in the process of installing panels at your HDFC…


Tuesday, 10/1

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Participation & Meetings

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

If your building is run by just a couple people, you can’t get volunteers to run for the board, or shareholders don’t show up to meetings, this class can…


Wednesday, 10/2

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Filing Requirements: we gotta file for that?

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

An HDFC has many regular management filings to make as a NYC property. Join us to discuss how to file for boiler inspections, Local Law 11 and your bedbug…


Monday, 10/7

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Ask the Experts: SCRIE & DRIE workshop with Paula Mora, HPD SCRIE rep

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

HDFC shareholders may be eligible for programs like SCRIE, DRIE, STAR, SCHE and more. These benefits help you save money as an individual and as an HDFC. Join us…


Tuesday, 10/8

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Co-ops Go Solar: Solar Financing Workshop


Join UHAB and Solar One to discuss how your HDFC can save money with rooftop solar. Discuss financing and incentives, decision making processes, and how UHAB and Solar One…


Wednesday, 10/9

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Advanced Co-op Management

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

Discuss the role of a manager and property management ethics. Get tips to supervise personnel, budgetting basics and a management checklist. This training will be conducted in person at…



Thursday, 9/19

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Energy Efficiency: Clean Heat Readiness


How can you prepare your HDFC to phase off of fossil fuels while saving money on fuel costs in the meantime? Join Steven Winters Associates and UHAB to learn…

Wednesday, 9/18

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Insurance for co-ops & owners

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

An overview on co-op master insurance, directors and officers insurance, and information on homeowners insurance. This training will be conducted in person at 789 Macdonough Street in Brooklyn.

Tuesday, 9/17

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Self Management Struggles & Successes

789 MacDonough St

789, MacDonough Street, New York, 11233, United States

Does your HDFC self-manage? Is it difficult to figure out which management tasks should be done by whom? Is it clear who supervises whom? Do you have tips on…

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