Welcome to UHAB’s new website!

We’re so excited to share our new website with you. Click around and let us know what you think, and be sure to explore the new features below!

Our vendor directory has a new look!

Our vendor directory connects our co-op community with professional services, from managers to plumbers to hardware stores. We’re now tracking which businesses are worker co-ops, minority and women owned businesses, and experienced with HDFC co-ops. We’re refreshing our vendors and taking the time to make sure our information is up to date – the vnedor directory will grow over the next few months. Don’t see yourself or a vendor you love on the vendor directory? Fill out this intake form or reach out to Clara at weinstein[at]uhab.org or (212) 479-3337 to be listed.

Find a Vendor

See all vendors →
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Our resource library is better than ever!

Explore resources for HDFC shareholders. From learning how to write a contract for your super to just what’s in your proprietary lease, we have resources on the everyday operations of HDFCs.

Explore the resource library

See all →

Guide to Resale Policies

Learn what your governing documents have to say about selling apartments, and how to create your own resale policy.

Healthy Co-op Checklist

Learn the signs of a healthy, well-functioning HDFC

Managing Your Manager

Have a manager, or thinking of hiring one? Learn how to make the most of your manager, including hiring and contracting.

Learn more about UHAB’s history!

Our organizational history is available online for the first time. Follow our organization from our founding to the current day to learn the story of UHAB and the self-help housing movement.
History →

UHAB’s services for co-ops

UHAB has services for HDFC co-ops, market-rate co-ops, and mitchell-lama co-ops. From balancing the books to holding a fair election to applying for a loan, we’re here to help your housing co-op thrive.
Our Services →